Galaxy in Coma Berenices

Star-hop chart

Messier 91 is a nice example of a barred spiral galaxy, a part of the Virgo galaxy cluster. It is a relatively dim member of the Messier catalog. The bright center of the galaxy and it bars are fairly easy to see in amateur telescopes, but its spiral arms are more difficult to observe.

Magnitude 10.2
Apparent Size 5.4' x 4.3'
Distance (light yrs) 60 million
Right Ascension 12:35.4
Declination +14 30
Field of View 35' x 26'

Image details:  Exposure times of 24 minutes luminance and 6 minutes each of red, green and blue, taken with an SBIG ST-8300M imager and a 12" Meade telescope at f/5.6.

June 2013