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NGC 559 (Caldwell 8), Open Cluster in Cassiopeia

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NGC 559 is a small but rich open cluster in Cassiopeia, about 7 arcminutes in diameter. It includes about 150 stars, many of which can be seen in a typical amateur telescope. It stands out distinctly from the starry background. This cluster is 3700 light years away.
Evening visibility: August-March
Best viewed with: telescope
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Find the constellation Cassiopeia, which has a distinctive "W" shape (although its orientation changes at different times of year as it circles the north celestial pole). On fall evenings, look for Cassiopeia in the northeast, where its tilt makes it look like a "3", and in the winter look high in the north above Polaris, where it is oriented like an "M".

Once you have located Cassiopeia, use the two stars on the first leg of the "W" shape to imagine a shallow triangle to the north, as shown below. NGC 559 is at the point of this triangle, and it should not be hard to spot in a wide-field eyepiece.
Star charts created with Cartes du Ciel