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NGC 7479 (Caldwell 44), Propeller Galaxy in Pegasus

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NGC 7479 is a good example of a barred spiral galaxy. It has a very long central bar and two tightly wound arms that give it a backward "S" shape. When viewed through a telescope, the bright nucleus is easy to see and so is the bar, but the spiral arms are much dimmer and require a scope of decent size and a dark night to see well. The galaxy is 105 million light years away.
Evening visibility: August-January
Best viewed with: telescope
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Start by finding the Great Square of Pegasus, which rises in the eastern sky during the early fall evenings, is high overhead later in the fall, and sinks in the western sky during early winter. To be sure you know how the square is oriented in the sky, look for the two stars outside the northwest corner of the square (circled in the chart below) that form a small triangle with Scheat.

Find Markab at the southwest corner of the Great Square. Look 3 degrees directly south to reach NGC 4779. Look for the bright central bar elongated in the north-south direction.The much fainter spiral arms can be seen with larger scopes.
Star charts created with Cartes du Ciel