Galaxy in Andromeda

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The last object in Messier's list, Messier 110 is one of two bright satellite galaxies of the Andromeda Galaxy (Messier 31). The Andromeda Galaxy itself can be seen with the naked eye. With a good pair of binoculars or a small telescope, its two elliptical companions can also be seen. Messier 110 is larger than the other companion (Messier 32), but it is also more diffuse and more difficult to see.

In this image, a faint band of light can be seen extended downward and to the left from the galaxy. This is not a photographic defect; it is a stellar bridge that extends from Messier 110 to the much larger Messier 31. A small piece of a spiral arm frm M31 is seen in the lower left corner of the picture.

Magnitude 8.0
Apparent Size 22' x 11'
Distance (light yrs) 2.3 million
Right Ascension 0:40.4
Declination +41 41
Field of View 39' x 29'

Image details:  Exposure times of 16 minutes luminance and 10 minutes each of red, green, and blue, taken with an SBIG STF-8300M camera through a 14-inch Meade LX850 telescope at f/4.5.

December 2023